Welcome to the MindMics EArly Product Test.
Thanks so much for your interest in taking part in our early product test at MindMics!
more details on the test:
About You
You should be comfortable wearing earbuds for a few hours at a time as part of your daily routine. Please be assured that the MIndMics earbuds will work well for your regular listening needs. You should also be comfortable downloading and installing apps on your phone.
We will ship you a MindMics product before the start of testing on Monday, February 14. The test will then run two weeks until Sunday, February 27. At the end of the test, you will be asked to ship back the product using a prepaid shipping label that we will provide.
Be assured that the test will be Confidential – we will not share your data with any third parties and no personally identifiable information will be used during analysis. We will also ask you to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
We will ask you to set up your MindMics system on Monday, February 14. This should take no more than 30 minutes. There will be included instructions for set-up and we expect that this will be easy to do on your own. Chat and email support will be available if needed.
During the test, we will email you 3-4 times per week to ask you to wear your MIndMics earbuds during a specific type of activity that you would ordinarily be doing. Examples might include: going on a walk, participating in a Zoom call, cleaning, etc. We will then ask you to answer a short questionnaire about these specific activities.
Upon completion, you will receive a $50 Amazon gift certificate!
We hope that you are excited to participate! Please just answer the following questions to express your interest and we will get back to you very soon with more details. We look forward to hearing from you!