Our Vision

Does a number on a screen really put you in tune with your heart health? We don’t think so. That’s why we developed MindMics technology platform, using groundbreaking infrasound technology to listen to every beat of your heart and powerful cloud infrastructure, so you can watch what’s really going on inside. Can you listen to your favorite tunes at the same time? Sure you can.

Your heartbeat speaks volumes about your health. No two heartbeats are the same, and inside every single one are subtle variations that can tell us so much about what’s going on inside. For example, how your valves are operating, how your blood pressure is fluctuating, how your blood vessels are dilating and contracting. It all adds up to a detailed picture of your circulatory system, which in turn is a telling indicator of your overall physical and mental health.

All sorts of factors affect the way your heart beats. Exercise, breathing, stress, digestion, relaxation, excitement, fear, sleep... imagine if you could see the effect of all these factors on your heart and then learn to control them. MindMics gives you tools to empower you to do just that.

Using groundbreaking infrasonic technology enabled in earbuds, MindMics picks up all those subtle variations in every heartbeat and presents you with a real-time image of your heart rate and heart rate variability. The patented algorithm uses this data to establish a baseline unique to each individual user and then show your current state on a Calm – Alert gauge. Too stressed and need to unwind? The MindMics app shows you how by using proven techniques such as controlled breathing. Need to fire yourself up for a big match? MindMics will get you there. And as you follow the MindMics tips, you can watch your heartbeat respond.

We like to think of MindMics as the GPS of personal health for the modern world. Life is fast and it’s easy to take your eyes off what’s going on inside. MindMics keeps you on track, giving clear directions to help you keep your physical and mental well-being on the right road.

No other personal health wearable provides this level of accuracy and real-time responsiveness. MindMics is the most informative and actionable personalized health monitoring technology the world has ever seen. And it doesn’t stop there. One day, MindMics technology may enable the detection and prevention of serious health conditions like heart failure. Today, we’re taking the first step on that journey with the limited edition launch of the first-ever MindMics. Are you ready to road-test this revolution in personal health?

Get on board. Sign up to join the MindMics health revolution now.


Hearing Your Heart